Jesus' chief priority was to bring the kingdom of heaven to manifest on the earth. To only speak those things that He heard the Father speaking and to do only those things He saw the Father doing. Jesus cultivated a lifestyle of ...
A great takeaway from the movie ‘We Were Soldiers’ is the display of leadership. A memorable quote by Mel Gibson’s character is expressed in a commitment to ‘be the first to enter the field of combat and the last to leave it’. Paying the price to be the tip of the spear is a must. A clear and adaptable truism…
The historic global rise of Ukrainian President Zelensky is replete with applicable leadership lessons for all. His story is so compelling thus far that at this point, in my opinion, he is the leading…
I love the words of David who was nothing more than a Skip the Dishes guy delivering lunch to his brothers on the front line of battle. His willingness to serve positioned him for a life shaping event. In the face of impossible circumstances David’s words ring through history with…
I have always said that I am blessed to have discovered my life’s passion in Christ such a short time before discovering my life’s purpose. My heart was transformed in an instant when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I then learned I was valued by…
I was recently reading an article and came across this quote from John C. Maxwell, “You realize that we over-exaggerate yesterday, we over-estimate tomorrow and we underestimate…
Great leaders are forged in the crucibles of crises. Democratically selected King Saul found himself in a crises situation. He had been given instructions by the prophet Samuel but circumstances caused him to…
I haven’t studied enough of the bible. No really, I haven’t. I always get stuck. I start reading and then set up ‘camp’ over a particular chapter or verse. Just hanging on to where I’m at.
When I self-analyze why I might be doing this, I come up with all kinds of strange possibilities. Am I…
When I was growing up in a small town in southern Saskatchewan, I always believed my life was going to make a big impact and God was going to work through me to make a difference. While in high school, I worked hard and saved my money to someday travel to India and help the…
Out of 400 Champions of God in the Bible only 80 finished well. That’s 20% Of those who finished well there are 5 characteristics. These are the non-negotiable characteristics of…