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Welcome New Members!

Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (CCAL)!

The purpose of the CCAL is to recognize the ministry of the apostolic leader and to see servant-leadership established in the nation.

The CCAL defines an apostle as:
An apostolic leader is a wise, master builder whose sphere of influence and “fatherly” focus is the recognition and development of gifts, callings, and anointing, designed to impart life, impact generations; bringing leaders, churches, ministries and the workplace into maturity and destiny, empowered through wisdom and understanding.

If you are interested in membership with the CCAL, please download and complete the form below. Completed forms may be mailed or faxed to our office.


Thanks for your interest in membership with the CCAL. To apply for registration for membership with the CCAL please click on the link below “Apply for Membership” and download and complete the form. Email the completed form to then proceed to click on the 2021 Membership Link and “Add to Cart” to go through our secure payment process.

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Membership for CCAL

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